Lies Upon Lies
Well we had the privilege of having to endure more of Obama's lies stacked upon lies. This evening our fearless leader was caught moving his mouth again at a Labor Day meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Of course, this meeting was held for AFL-CIO member's who are die hard supporters of him and his mis-guided plans for Health Care. Oh yes he is still stuck on the thought that true American citizens are merely spreading lies about his ill thought out so called Health Care Reform.
I had to listen to this in order to determine if our dear fearless leader had any new information on HR 3200. After listening for almost a half hour I was able to determine that there was nothing new coming from his mouth! To no surprise, our fearless leader still has not been able to answer exactly how he intends to pay for this! Of course what would you expect from a man who has not even taken the time to read the bill he so anxiously supports.
He was quick to point out that in this month there was the least amount of jobs lost but what he failed to mention is the fact that he is the only President who has tripled the National Deficit at an all time precedent rate of demise. I guess that is ok since he feels he has save our Nation from economic disaster.
No We Can't
I know that most of our Country was sold on "Yes We Can". I am here to tell you that NO WE CAN'T! As of today there is nothing in this Administration that has sold me on our current Administration and the mass amount of poorly thought out garbage into each of our plates.
I touched based in an earlier post about the amount of Czars that this Administration has working for them. Does that not alarm anyone other than our staff? Really people, I can't stress enough that you study the history of many past dictator's who used Czars within their countries and how they turned out! Now we have to deal with the fact that Obama is wanting to deliver a message this coming Tuesday, Sept. 08 to children throughout our Country to supposedly tell them nothing more to study hard and stay in school! I propose to each of we really need the President to take away from our children's studies in school to tell them this via a televised broadcast? I mean after all, this President is seen more on television giving speeches than any other President within the history of The United States. For those who are really big on history, check back into exactly how Hitler built is support! He started with the youth of Germany!
Oh yes I know I will take a wide range of criticism and so called supporters for the "Chosen One". All I can say is that most of you can't debate on a one on one scenario on the talking points at hand! Mid term elections are coming up in 2010 and I certainly will be amongst those who are out making their voice heard to make a clear and present statement. Start serving your constituents or you will be in the growing number of people who are unemployed.
Quit Rushing It
As so clearly noted in this sign.....our President needs to stop rushing into something that he himself has no clue what exactly is in the bill. Before you expect anyone else to support it I strongly suggest that he take the time to read every page, every line and things in between of the proposed legislation prior to suggesting that we need to have it passed before the end of the year. Once again people I admit to the fact that there is several things that need to be changed within our Health Care System, however, dumping an all inclusive Government run Health Care System is absolutely absurd. I mean the President himself said "The Post Office Is Broke". Isn't that a Government run entity? Exactly my point! They have failed at so many other entities such as the Postal Service, Medicaid and Medicare and the only answer they can develop is a sanctioned health care plan that will surely bankrupt the Federal Government and everyone else who pays taxes into it for their support!